Architectural Modification Form

See the rules and regulations if you have any questions about the submission or content of this form. If you prefer, you can click here to download a fillable PDF version of the form.

Fields marked with an * are required.

    Attach any diagram, picture, or plat, if appropriate:
    (No larger than 5MB, only filetypes PDF, JPG, or PNG allowed)

    I (We) acknowledge and agree that I (we) will be solely liable for any claims, including and without limitation, for
    property damage or personal injury, which results from the requested addition or modification. I (We) hereby indemnify
    the Homeowners Association from, and against, any and all such claims. I (We) understand and acknowledge that I
    (we) am (are) responsible for complying with all applicable building codes and ordinances, and for obtaining all
    necessary permits and inspections for the requested addition or modification and further, that I (we) am (are)
    responsible for all maintenance, repair and upkeep of said addition or modification.

    * Signature   
